In a recent Wall Street Journal editorial, a U.S. Representative and her colleague announce that “Activists are the Democratic Party.” Their statement evokes the image of left-wing political activists taking over the Democratic Party. These activists constantly strive to abolish the party’s support for the nation’s founding principles, trying to supplant it at every opportunity with anti-democratic collectivist ideas from the far left. The authors go on to proclaim that protests are a key part of their party’s activism. No imagination needed here. A plethora of examples from the 2020 riots show how far the party is willing to take their ploy.
One of the authors currently chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The Caucus has ties with the far-left Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Socialist International, reports Paul Kengor, PhD, an academic council member at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. In fact, many members of the Caucus are also members of the DSA, he says. The DSA wants to defund the police and nationalize key parts of the economy such as transportation and energy. Do you know of any free nations that have those policies?
With this in mind, it’s easy to understand what the authors mean by “a just and equitable future.” In the euphemistic language of progressivism, justice is doublespeak for Marxism and equity is simply dressed-up socialism. As for the “progressive” moniker, Marxists and the Democratic Party alike make use of the label, often for remarkably similar agendas.
Source: “How Progressives Triumphed in Congress.” Wall Street Journal, 8/19/22.
Under the Guise of Progressivism
“Tax the Rich. Jobs for All. People before Profits. Planet Before Profits. Cancel Student Debt.”
These slogans, taken directly from the Communist Party USA’s website, have likewise become popular with members of the Democratic Party. The policies of the two parties are very analogous at times. Here’s an illustrative example from the Communist Party USA’s website.
The right to vote is the key to passing legislation such as a $15 minimum wage, a massive affordable housing program, and health care for all. Therefore, be it further resolved: That the Communist Party USA organize in support of a program for voting rights, including: Universal portable, automatic voter registration at age 18; elimination of the Electoral College; one person one vote; early voting; same day registration; voting rights for ALL regardless of their relation to the criminal “justice” system; and no citizenship questions in the 2020 census.
The Communist Party USA openly describes its strategy to integrate Marxist ideology into the Democratic Party:
We participate in a left electoral coalition with several organizations that have the aim of working toward political independence both within and outside the Democratic Party. So the situation is quite fluid and complex. We pursue a united front policy, that is, finding areas of cooperation based on issues without ideological preconditions.
Disguised with euphemisms such as “progressivism” or “democratic socialism,” Marxist policies are increasingly being integrated with those of mainstream leftists. Look no further than the Communist Party USA’s website to discover the origin of many current leftist policies.
Sources: Communist Party USA website, resolutions and reflections
Here's another example of how similar many of the Communist Party USA's policies are to those of the Democratic Party:
"The CPUSA wholeheartedly endorse the Green New Deal and will work to build political support to strengthen and implement it. We fully support the commitment of the Green New Deal 'to promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth,' and that we commit ourselves and our Party to working within these communities to advance the goals of the Green New Deal."