Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and expert on Critical Race Theory, has launched the new documentary series Christopher Rufo Theory. The series explores America’s current cultural revolution in some depth. This revolution along the axes of race, gender and identity has been surreptitiously occurring in elite institutions. But the institutions are advancing an ideology most Americans do not want.
Episode 1: America’s Cultural Revolution
In the first installment, titled “America’s Cultural Revolution,” Rufo explains how we got here and what we can do to push back. He details how to mount a lawful, democratic revolt of common citizens against the Marxist-left-controlled elite institutions that have achieved dominance in the U.S.
The 30-minute video is concise, powerfully delivered and available to the public free of charge. You can watch the video below. Alternatively, go to and look for Christopher Rufo Theory. Stay tuned for sequels as Rufo plans to air new additions to the series up to twice a month.
It’s an invisible revolution along the axes of race, gender, and identity that is shaking the foundations of our country. —Christopher Rufo
Episode 2: The Long March Through the Institutions
The second episode of Christopher Rufo Theory, titled “The Long March Through the Institutions,” explains how left-wing ideas went from the yesterday’s counterculture to today’s orthodoxy. The result is that left-wing revolutionary objectives—such as dismantling capitalism, abolishing the police, destroying the family and elevating group-based identity—are being foisted upon the American public from the top down. Leftist elites in powerful positions in the establishment are imposing their will on American citizens who, as shown in poll after poll, want something different. The documentary depicts how elites on the Left have captured power, how they shape the narrative today, and how they influence what the population thinks about the world.
Rufo’s delivery of the message in Episode 2 is just as powerful as in his inaugural documentary. You can watch the 26-minute video below. Alternatively, go to and look for Christopher Rufo Theory. Viewing is free of charge.
We have to go out and roll up our sleeves and fight to produce and distribute those ideas that are ultimately going to win. —Christopher Rufo
Comments are welcome.
I was living in Raleigh N.C. back in 1976/7, at the time a very influential murder trial took place. From the evidence, it appeared that a young paperboy was delivering newspapers when a black man called requesting that he throw the newspaper on the veranda (a Viet Nam vet who was somewhat disabled) like he did for others. Apparently the boy went home to his mother and told her the story. She immediately jumped into her car, went over to the man's residence and calmly put a bullet in his head (as I remember) She was a pastor's wife.
She was found 'not guilty".
It was national news and I thought that their would be a revolution.
There were two consequences of that trial.
This happened at a critical time regarding the people you mention out of Harvard. As a black lawyer, this proved the intransigence of America beyond a doubt. It also provided proof to a number of fellow travelers that something was fundamentally wrong. Result, well we are living it.
However there was an equal and opposite happening. This was the first time that a full blown display of the fundamental injustice that was America. This trial affected many white lives and I believe was the real turning point in American history.
CRT missed this sea change completely.