Let’s start with euphemisms. These pleasant-sounding words disguise the truth about something that is undesirable or unpleasant. Common euphemisms include over the hill, passed away, put to sleep, physically challenged, historically marginalized, homeless, unhoused, undocumented immigrants, reparations, gender-affirming care and affordable housing.
Government policies are often phrased as euphemisms. The Disinformation Governance Board, Medicare for All, the Inflation Reduction Act and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are recent examples. Since word games are a favorite left-wing tactic, the left is the source of most political euphemisms.
Lately, I’ve noticed left-wing activists labeling comments they don’t consider politically correct as “conservative.” They label comments they don’t like this way whether the comments come from a conservative, an independent or a leftist. This is a far-left campaign to smear the reputation of the conservative name.
The far left also uses dirty words to defame their opposition. Slurs are the far left’s primary means of discrediting others. The ever-expanding list of leftist insults goes like this:
Nazi. Fascist. Semi-fascist. MAGA Republican. Right-wing. Right-wing extremist. Far right. Conspiracy theorist. White supremacist. Racist. Homophobe. Transphobe. Xenophobe. Islamophobe. Misogynist. Sexist. Cis-gendered. Bigot. Hater. Existential threat to democracy. In addition, the left uses derisive slogans like “voter suppression” or “Jim Crow 2.0” to describe improvements in election integrity aimed at reducing voting fraud.
When I tried to find a word to describe language that is nasty but false, I came upon the word dysphemism. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “the substitution of a disagreeable, offensive, or disparaging expression for an agreeable or inoffensive one. Also, an expression so substituted.” WordHippo says it’s a “A word expressing contempt or disapproval, especially in an offensive manner.” Synonyms for dysphemism include pejorative, insult, barb, slander, slur, calumny, diss, disparagement, derision, libel, put down, character assassination, mud-slinging and bad-mouthing.
WordHippo provides this piece of advice: “Dysphemisms should be avoided as it undermines respectful communication by substituting offensive terms for more polite language.”
Destructive plans
Obviously, disrupting respectful communication is the intent. The far left opposes classically liberal values such as tolerance, giving the benefit of the doubt, open debate and the marketplace of ideas. The anti-liberal left, synonymous with the Marxist left, plans to dismantle all classically liberal values on which U.S. democracy was founded. To Marxists, making communication more divisive is just one more step in their current cultural revolution to destroy Western civilization and replace it with totalitarian rule.
What you can do
When you observe a euphemism or dysphemism in use, when appropriate, point it out to others. Explain why the words are objectively not true. State that the Marxist anti-liberal left’s intention is to mislead the public and libel their opponents. Most Americans do not like being misled by liars and scammers. Eventually, the real facts about fake narratives always come out; you can help that process along.
Dysphemism is a derogatory or unpleasant term used instead of a pleasant or neutral one, such as “loony bin” for “mental hospital.” —Google Dictionary Box
Dr. Smoots, I completely agree with your article. Whenever you know that someone is using either a euphemism or dysphemism in conversation, it should be corrected. Sometimes euphemisms may be warranted e.g. if children are present who may not quite understand the nuances of the conversation. However dysphemisms in my opinion should always be corrected because you are replacing a vulgar, derogatory or offensive word with something accurate and inoffensive. Thank you for bringing this topic to the forefront of my mind that I might make better use of it.
Good list of words leftists use for rightists. Maybe also: far-right. cis-gendered, hater?
Here's an interesting, somewhat satirical article about the left and right making up words to use against each other.
"How to Beat the Cis-Culture by Making up Progressive Words"