Dr. Smoots, I completely agree with your article. Whenever you know that someone is using either a euphemism or dysphemism in conversation, it should be corrected. Sometimes euphemisms may be warranted e.g. if children are present who may not quite understand the nuances of the conversation. However dysphemisms in my opinion should always be corrected because you are replacing a vulgar, derogatory or offensive word with something accurate and inoffensive. Thank you for bringing this topic to the forefront of my mind that I might make better use of it.

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Thank you for your comment. A dysphemism is substituting a neutral or inoffensive word with a derogatory or offensive word. I agree that should be pointed out to others when appropriate along with the explanation that it is a Marxist tactic. A good book for more strategies is "Counter Wokecraft: A Field Manual for Combatting the Woke in the University and Beyond" by Charles Pincourt.

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Good list of words leftists use for rightists. Maybe also: far-right. cis-gendered, hater?

Here's an interesting, somewhat satirical article about the left and right making up words to use against each other.

"How to Beat the Cis-Culture by Making up Progressive Words"


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Thank you for more additions to the list of dysphemisms. The article you linked to is clearly written by a Marxist. I think he is quite earnest in his Marxist beliefs and his strategy of intentionally changing names to speed up the Marxist revolution. It's a revealing look into how devious, totalitarian-oriented minds work.

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I agree. The far left is a problem. But those who say the far left gives us reason to support Trump are equally a problem.

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Thank you for your comment. Some problems are much bigger than others and, therefore, are not equal.

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How do we differentiate post modernism and corporatocracy and do they intersect? In the same way do democrats and republicans intersect and is the fact that I have difficulty finding a point of view from a nonpolarized position a sign of the times we live in?

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Good questions. Perhaps you would like to cover these ideas in your newsletter. If you do, please leave a link here.

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