Another example of Marxism in our museums: The Wall Street Journal recently published the article "Woke Ideologues are Taking Over American Art Museums." In it the author, Eric Gibson, editor of the Leisure & Arts page, states "The politicization of art museums is so pervasive that there is hardly an institution or aspect of museum practice exempt from it. It's now commonplace for labels accompanying portraits as disparate as those from colonial America and 18th-century France to include information about the sitter's connection to slavery, no matter how tenuous." Note: A sitter is a person posing for a painting. Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/when-connoisseurs-yield-to-commissars-art-history-museums-woke-politics-ideology-mission-painting-renaissance-activists-11662139109

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What they are saying is that masterpieces of art are no longer considered to be masterpieces because they were created by people who harbored what they consider to be evil traits. All historical people, not just artists, will be judged as evil by today's new standards for these is no way the past can change to adopt to todays extremely different political morality.

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I believe that historical figures should be assessed using the cultural standards of their time, not ours. Would any of us living today like to be judged by people of the future based on future standards?

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