Jun 6Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

This is an outstanding post.

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Than you. I appreciate your comment.

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"It’s a myth that communism died when the Berlin Wall fell."

Yes. The true history of the Communist Party in the U.S. has been successfully buried by leftist media and academia. Leftists need to hide the truth about the past, so that they can lie about communism here and now. And that truth is that, since the USSR dissolved, U.S. communists/leftists have gradually taken control of almost every institution in America.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Author

Thank you for your comment and restack. American Marxists have successfully completed the long march through the U.S. institutions. The neo-Marxists in power today go by the euphemism of "progressives." Progressives are the wolves in sheep's clothing that are dismantling the United States. All Americans need to get savvy about what's going on before the 2024 election. Thanks for helping get the word out.

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Jun 5Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

As you have made clear in the past Dr. Smoots, all of this ideology whether you call it progressivism, Marxism, communism is based on oppressors vs oppressed. Those who espouse liberty, limited government, morality, and adherence to natural and Divine law will always be labeled as oppressors because they wish to hold people accountable for their behavior whereas the so called "oppressed" wish to conduct themselves in any way they wish in order to satisfy their own passions which always leads to death, chaos and the collapse of civilization. This is what is currently going on in the U.S. and around the world.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 6Author

These are excellent points. I would argue that those who support liberty have not always been labeled as oppressors. During the Revolutionary War period, they were labeled as rebels. What is new in the last 200 years with the rise of communism is the dysphemistic labeling of opponents as oppressors while using and discarding certain groups of people who are called "the oppressed." Before communism, there were other types of tyranny. America was created to protect its citizens from government tyranny in all its forms. I hope to start writing more about that more in future issues. I appreciate your support and your comments.

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Jun 12Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

It reminds me of a more informative version of “The Third Wave Experiment” - Ron Jones

It's like communism is the true “groomer”?

From what I understand, it's an evil thats infiltrated the very core of knowledge in every sector of life?

If the government is doing what they are currently doing… what has the government already lied about/ changed/ burned/ redifined/ Misinformed ?

How much History has been covered up or straight up deleted out of History?

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

The Plandemic video series reveals some of the recent coverups; it's available free online. Previous issues of "2026" have revealed the lies told about WWII, the Senator Joseph McCarthy hoax, the climate change scam and several others.

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Jun 13Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

Just because they change the definition/title of one of their brainwashing schemes, doesn't change the fact that, at its core, it's still the same concept. It's just being pushed under a different banner.

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Good point about Marxism and communism.

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There are certainly Marxists and Leftists in the US (and worldwide) but there is not a serious movement for socialism. Leftists today (excluding actual socialists/communists) generally favor social democracy (aka the capitalist welfare state) and Wokeism.

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That is certainly the propaganda the Marxist left would like you to believe. Unfortunately, several of your assertions are not borne out by the facts. What is your evidence?

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It is borne out by the fact that no major parties in the West seriously push socialism, which has been a chronic complaint of actual socialists for a hundred years. Books have been written by Leftists about why socialism has had so little success in the US. Your argument seem to be that significant numbers of Marxists are hiding within mainstream parties waiting to unleash Bolshevism at the right moment. But if this is true, how do we know? Is the absence of evidence proof that a plot is afoot?

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Author

You know by learning about Marxism so you can identify it. You won't find that information in the mainstream media, which has been captured by Marxism. I have written many articles in "2026" on this topic including "Top 7 Marxism Clues" and "Marxism in Current Events." You can take the curriculum offered by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation at https://victimsofcommunism.org/curriculum/. And you can read the many books written by experts on American Marxism including Paul Kengor, Trevor Loudon, Ted Cruz, Mark Levin, James Lindsay, Charles Pincourt and Eric Metaxas. Any of Paul Kengor's books is a good place to start.

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I’m very familiar with Marxism and communism. The Democratic Party is not a Marxist party. The radical Left has always been antagonistic towards modern liberals.

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I suggest visiting the Communist Party USA website where you will see that many of their policies are identical to those of the Democratic Party. The wolf in sheep's clothing has decided to camouflage itself with lovable names like liberal, progressive and democratic.

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Some of these folks are so camouflaged that even they don’t know they are Marxists!

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I could write diatribes of the horrors of Capitalism that is an ideolog based on money, getting it any way you can and buying power with it. It has destroyed millions of lives annually in the US and its exported version, imperialism with its hegemonic belief in its right to control the world. So lets stop quoting the experience of one person who clearly did not know what Communism was about. That said, we have not had a true Communist country which is, in fact, more democratic than Capitalism ever was or will be. Capitalism actually is much more in synch with totalitarianism and, if one pays attention to the laws developed in this country, as one place to study, we see how this country has always had a ruling oligarchy that believed in Fascism and totaliarianism. As for classism, racism and sexism what was written here is devoid of any meaningful description or facts. It is simply a rant from one person who was unhappy with a system that was never actualized in realty. I would strongly suggest that before presenting this isolated rant, do some serious study which will involve reading many more sources and will require some serious thinking and analysis to understand what was happening including the counter forces that interferred with all modern communist and socialist efforts; ie sabotage from US corporatist.

A customer of mine years ago had been married to an IBM'r, a really quite conservative community that clearly loved Capitalism. At a cocktail party my customer found herself talking to an economist. She asked him what was wrong with Socialism. his answer was nothing--it just isnt Capitalism.

So when reading the vapid information of one woman presented here you really need to understand the forces that made her write such false, prejudicial attacks on something she clearly knows nothing about.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

This is a good example of what Marxists would like Americans to believe.

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Jun 6Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

This is gold! Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, and on and on...100's of millions dehumanized, disappeared, starved and murdered. Believe me, communists can keep dreaming and trying, but the results will always be the same, and not because of capitalist subversion. I think it might be you who needs to study more. Communism does not work because it assumes a false anthropology. It's first principles don't match reality. Fallen (sinful) humanity is incapable of creating a utopia in which everyone shares and nobody is greedy or power hungry.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

It's a very good example of Marxist propaganda.

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