What did critical race theorist Imbram X. Kendi mean when he said: “In order to be truly anti-racist, you also have to be anti-capitalist”? In order to interpret what’s going on these days, you need to be savvy about Marxism. It’s a given that Marxists oppose capitalism and free markets. They’re also notorious for using blacks and other victim-identity groups to spread their ideology. In the quote, Kendi has used race as a cover for the Marxist plan to destroy free enterprise and replace it with single-party government ownership of the means of production.
This issue of 2026 expands on the “Top 7 Marxism Clues” discussed in the last issue. For each example shown below, look for the telltale signs of Marxism in current events. Mentally note your observations. Then compare your findings with the Marxism Clues following each example.
Current event #1: While discussing disaster relief for Hurricane Ian last summer, Vice President Kamala Harris stated that emergency aid should be distributed based on equity instead of need. “On the disparities issue it is our lowest-income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making. And so, we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity,” said Harris about hurricane disaster relief. In response, Elon Musk tweeted: “Should be according to greatest need, not race or anything else.”
Marxism Clues:
Imposed redistribution of resources. Equity is the state-enforced redistribution of economic, social and cultural resources, usually under a pretext such as eliminating disparities or achieving equal outcomes.
Ending the rule of law. Marxist ideology opposes this country’s constitution and laws. The proposed action would violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which states that all U.S. citizens have equal protection under the law.
Current event #2: Parents of elementary school students in Michigan have attended school board meetings where they have read aloud sections of library books that they feel are too sexually explicit for students. One parent compared some of the library books side by side with pages found in Penthouse magazine.
Marxism Clues:
Destroying the nuclear family & other norms. Marxists aim to abolish the nuclear family. Tactics include promotion of sexual promiscuity, prostitution and pornography, sexualization of children, and expansive use of gender identities, pronouns and sexual orientations. In place of the nuclear family, parenting is to be done by the state.
Current event #3: A number of elected representatives in Congress endlessly promote higher and higher taxes. Their slogans include “Tax the Rich,” “Pay Their Fair Share,” Tax Justice” and “Share the Wealth.” The Associated Press reports: “The new push shows that the political left isn’t ready to give up on the populist argument that the government can and should be used as a tool for redistributing wealth.”
Marxism Clues:
Abolition of private property. Marxists impose heavy income and inheritance taxes and eventually confiscate all earnings and savings. Americans in the top one percent of taxable income already pay 42 percent of U.S. income taxes. The top 10 percent pays 74 percent of taxes, and the top 50 percent pay 98 percent of taxes. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent pay 2 percent of U.S. income taxes—with most paying no taxes at all. In addition, the people in top income brackets are not fixed; most are middle-class Americans who land there briefly when they sell their house or retirement investments, explains economist Thomas Sowell. In reality, most “Tax the Rich” policies increase taxes on the middle class.
Imposed redistribution of resources. Equity is the state-enforced redistribution of economic, social and cultural resources, usually under a pretext such as eliminating disparities or achieving equal outcomes.
Current event #4: Staff member Jodi Shaw didn’t feel comfortable complying with diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. When she objected, the college put her on leave from her job as a dormitory coordinator. After an investigation, she was offered a settlement if she agreed to remain silent. But she felt that “living a lie is the worst kind of death.” She resigned from a secure job to face an unknown future as a divorced mother of two children.
Marxism Clues:
Indoctrination & brainwashing. Diversity, equity and inclusion trainings are forms of indoctrination similar to the struggle sessions conducted by Mao’s Red Guards during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
Repression of freedom & rights. The human rights of those who question politically correct narratives are violated when they are subjected to warnings, bans, censorship and cancellation at the hands of Marxists. As Marxists gain power, it only gets worse, predictably escalating to prosecution, forced labor, torture and execution.
Current event #5: Almost 2.4 million migrants crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally in 2022. This was the highest number ever recorded, according to the U.S. Border Patrol. The number was 37 percent higher than 2021 and 200 percent higher than 2020. For the most part, the response from the Biden administration has been to ignore the issue.
Marxism Clues:
Ending law enforcement & the rule of law. Marxists and their supporters denounce the validity of discrete nations, national borders, the U.S. Constitution, law, law enforcement, prison and the police. Without enforcement of U.S. immigration laws, anyone can come here at will, and the United States as nation will cease to exist.
Current event #6: Roland Fryer, a tenured Harvard professor of economics who is black was cancelled when he debunked woke orthodoxy. His ground-breaking research showed the main drivers of the black skills gap are correctable educational and behavioral factors and not systemic racism. A faculty panel containing two black Marxists fabricated an excuse for suspending Fryer for two years and permanently closing his research lab. They resurrected obscure complaints of sexual harassment that had been previously resolved and, also, a complainant who lied, according to witness testimony. Now back at Harvard after the two years, Fryer remains barred from supervising graduate students for at least another two years.
Marxism Clues:
Repression of freedom & rights. Marxists aim to replace individualism and freedom of academic inquiry with group-think, collectivism and conformity. For those who question politically correct narratives, punishments include warnings, bans, censorship, cancellation and prosecution.
Current event #7: Bills proposed in several states aim to tax the increased value of stocks, bonds and other assets before the assets are sold.
Marxism Clues:
Abolition of private property. Under the pretense of ending inequality and injustice, Marxists impose heavy income and inheritance taxes and eventually confiscate all earnings and savings. In this case, Marxists are even trying to tax wealth that doesn’t exist. When the value of stock goes up, it represents a bet made by investors that the company can produce additional wealth in the future. For example, a company announces a new cancer drug and people bid the stock price up 100 percent. Under the proposed bills, those people would have to pay tax on the apparent gain even though the drug has not been proven effective and no wealth has been created. The following year the drug is a bust, and the company’s stock plummets because, without an effective drug, no wealth will be created. Under the proposed bills, the investors had to pay tax on apparent wealth that never existed. Taxation morphs into confiscation of private property as Marxists gain power.
Marxism is a revolutionary and destructive ideology. The goals of the fixed, single, unified worldview are to forcibly overthrow all existing social conditions and replace them with the fundamental transformation of state and society known as communism. Reference: Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
I've tweeted (both your articles and quotes from them - you've got some gems there), I've subscribed and I've started a "2026" file to keep some of these articles available to me off-line. I don't know how to compliment you or show how much I appreciate you with higher regard than that. Great work & thank you!
The burden of bad ideas; marxism being an especially bad idea. Thanks for the post. Peace.