That is quite a list Elizabeth! Thanks.

I'll add one more: Buying the Night Flight by Georgie Ann Geyer. This is a memoir of foreign corresponding that covers the communist revolutions from Guatemala, Cuba, Chile, Argentina, Russia, Poland, and the Middle East. It has amazing insights into the mind set of commie leaders including Castro, Allende, Walesa, Prince Sihaunouk... It a very interesting read that covers a broad swath of history of the communist attempts to rule the hearts and minds of humans. There are some great bits about the mindset of these revolutionaries that reveal the reasons for their successes and failures.

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It looks like "Buying the Night Flight" is available on Amazon. Georgie Ann Geyer also has a book titled "Americans No More: The Death of Citizenship." I am reading a book right now titled "The Dying Citizen" by Victor Davis Hanson.

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Thank you for your comment. I will look for your recommended book as it sounds like it would make interesting reading.

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I have not read her "Americans No Mas" book but have the impression it is prescient, along the lines of VDH's book. I have the impression that GG is actually a true "liberal" in the older sense of the term -- one who had common sense, could see and tell the truth and rather than a lock step ideologue.

VDH was also prophetic in his 2003 book "Mexifornia".

Our current culture wars are far from new. Our awareness is increasing. Hopefully enough folks will realize the risks and start speaking out and voting out...

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Very true. China already went through a cultural revolution very similar to ours. America's current cultural revolution is Maoism with American characteristics. Education and increasing awareness of Americans about the risks we're facing as a nation are key.

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