Jan 23Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

John McWhorter and Glenn Loury have covered many of these incidents in recent years (Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, etc.) in a critical and thoughtful way. This most recent one is certainly worth a watch, if you haven't already.


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Jan 4Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

Dr Smoots, thank you for your courage in speaking the truth about this. I am an NP in MN and read the original autopsy report on a use-of-force website days after Floyd died. It was clear he died of a overdose(s), complicated by HCM and a myriad of other chronic illnesses. Days later, that report disappeared, and the "new" narrative took its place. Despite knowing all of this, Liz Collins' documentary revealed to me infinitely more corruption in this state's leaders than I could have ever imagined. I pray daily for those innocent officers. May God protect them and grant them exhoneration. Thank you again for being a lone voice to speak out for truth!

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Jan 4Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

"The Fall of Minneapolis" is a great film. I already knew some of George Floyd's criminal history including drugs, armed robbery etc but the film really brought out the total corruption of the Minneapolis judicial system and the upper echelons of the Police Dept. They totally betrayed their own officers, all for the sake of D.E.I. As Elon Musk has stated" DEI must DIE".

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Jan 4Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

Exactly. The following is vague for obvious reasons, but I also know some from the former 3rd Precinct. The entire precinct was a sacrificial lamb to Marxism which is why we saw "retired" by most names in the documentary. As you said, "By all means necessary" is their mantra, and they are deadly serious about that. They must be voted out this year.

Also, apologies for the typo in my first comment. It should read, "an overdose(s)," not "a." I love grammar too much to let that typo hang out there. I had a classical education, after all. :)

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