Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and expert on Critical Race Theory, has launched the new documentary series “Christopher Rufo Theory.” The series explores America’s current cultural revolution. This revolution along the axes of race, gender and identity has been quietly occurring in elite institutions, which are promoting an ideology most Americans do not want. In Rufo’s first installment, titled “America’s Cultural Revolution,” he explains how we got here and what we can do to push back. He details how to mount a lawful, democratic revolt of common citizens against the Marxist-left-controlled elite institutions that have achieved hegemony in the U.S.
The 30-minute video (available below) is concise, powerfully delivered and available to the public free of charge. Alternatively, go to and search for Christopher Rufo Theory. Stay tuned for sequels as Rufo plans to air new additions to the series up to twice a month.
Did You Know?
Communism is the world’s deadliest ideology. It has killed over 100 million people worldwide—many times more than Nazi Germany. 1
Panne, J, et al. (1999) The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression. Harvard University Press. (Available on Amazon).