What the Woke have Cleverly Hidden
Critical race theory is not a new ideology but a repackaging of classic Marxism with race substituted for economic class.
In Race Marxism: The Truth about Critical Race Theory and Praxis, author James Lindsay explains that we’re living in a false reality fabricated by the late neo-Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse. The philosopher synthesized Karl Marx’s ideas, using black ghetto populations and other disaffected groups as stand-ins for economic class. Marcuse and his fellow neo-Marxists created Critical Theory and, with it, the antecedents to the Critical Theory of Race.
Like all Marxists, Marcuse’s goal was to create a revolution followed by a dictatorship that led to communism. But over time ideological converts are used and discarded and the promised utopia never appears. Clearly, the utopia, meaning “nowhere,” is only a pretext for power. A communist dictatorship always results, Lindsay says, and it will be no different this time.
The made-up world Marcuse invented is rapidly becoming entrenched. Converts named “Critical Social Justice activists” rant and rave in righteous indignation at nonbelievers who don’t accept their faith. Anyone who questions their illogical belief system is labeled a “racist”—synonymous with a heretic, or someone who is not a Critical Social Justice activist. Critical Race Theory, a denomination within the theology of Critical Social Justice, sees an evil known as “systemic racism” absolutely everywhere and zealously strives to dismantle society. But don’t assume racism means discrimination or prejudice. The presence of different average outcomes between racial groups is the “systemic racism” this ideology calls out—all the while ignoring evidence that correcting for factors such as the absence of a father in the household, education and income completely removes most differences.
This fake reality sounds crazy. It’s only going to get more bizarre if the Marxists have their way. Yet many people remain unaware of the threat Critical Race Theory poses to the American way of life.
Some assume Critical Race Theory is part of the American civil rights movement. It is anything but. The civil rights movement grew out of the ideas of democracy that include equality, liberty, universal human rights, the right to private property, capitalism, limited government, separation of the church and state, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. These American ideals have resulted in the greatest prosperity, the most freedom and the least racism of any country on earth. But those who hate democracy’s success created Critical Race Theory to cloak their own autocratic power grab using race as a cover.
The following strange-but-true definitions from Critical Race Theory, which Lindsay translates into plain English, reveal the Marxist goals in the ideology’s worldview.
Antiracist. Someone who has a lifelong commitment to being a Critical Social Justice activist. A true believer in the fundamentalist views of Critical Social Justice. One who commits to taking up discrimination against those who disbelieve, or even merely question, Critical Social Justice.
Critical. Having the Marxist perspective of Critical Social Justice and Critical Theory. This perspective focuses on group identity, personal experiences, emotion and activism rather than on individual rights, scientific evidence, rational thinking, the rule of law and an attempt to find the truth.
Critical Social Justice. An ideology that does not seek lawfulness of fairness but seeks instead to enforce the beliefs of Critical Social Justice activists through revolution and authoritarian rule. An anti-liberal fundamentalist theology that blames liberalism for most of society’s ills.
Critical Race Theory. Race Marxism. A theory that aims to turn as many people into Critical Race activists as possible in order to create a Dictatorship of the Antiracists. A theory that always identifies racism as the source of any problem.
Diversity. A state in which most members of a group or institution come from historically marginalized identity groups and must also be qualified as Critical Social Justice activists. A policy in which no other types of diversity are allowed except those specified by Critical Social Justice activists. A method of maintaining uniformity of ideological belief.
Equity. Achieving a Dictatorship of the Antiracists. To give privileges to those who adopt the “critical consciousness,” or religious faith, of Critical Social Justice and to also discriminate vigorously against those who do not.
Inclusion. To exclude those who do not believe in Critical Social Justice and its denomination Critical Race Theory. The process of censorship, exclusion and purges of those who are not Critical Social Justice activists.
Justice. Instituting communism as a system of government. The end result of abolishing capitalism, private property, universal human rights, freedom and democracy through revolution. When all decisions are made by an authoritarian regime installed under communism.
Racist. Anyone who disagrees with Critical Race Theory. Someone who is not a true believer of the religious faith of Critical Social Justice; a heretic. A person who is not a Critical Social Justice activist.
Systemic racism. The presence of differences in average outcomes between racial groups. An exclusive focus on these differences while ignoring clear evidence that correcting for factors such as single parent households, education, career and income eliminates most of the differences.
White supremist. A person who is not a Critical Social Justice activist, irrespective of his or her race or beliefs.
These distortions of common words are oddly repetitive. Many have deceptive meanings and all use race as a ruse to gain power. They’re as twisted as the Soviet Union’s annihilation of democracy in Eastern Europe. And their implications are as horrific as the accounts of Lenin’s Red Terror and Mao’s Red Guards. The violent revolutions, purges and forced labor camps implemented in the name of communism have left over a hundred million people dead.
Lindsay candidly documents the facts we need to know about the Marxist ideology sweeping this nation. Hopefully, we can cure what we understand. Race Marxism is “a call to vigorous informed resistance” for all people who value liberty, democratic rights and freedom from tyranny.
Originally published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Winter 2022. The above is the full and unedited manuscript of the published article.
“The People” is often used as a euphemism for communism, aka totalitarianism. “Power 2 the People” is a euphemistic slogan for communist revolution. Some of the protestors are displaying the Marxist fist.
Elizabeth: I'm amazed that you managed to get this published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons as I have gotten the impression that most of the medical community had been absorbed into Woke Borg (via Rufo & others). What sort of response did you get from readers in that journal?
Thanks for the brief summary of Lindsay's book. Lindsay is true leader in the anti-Woke fight. But I'm concerned that he is also a leader in the New Atheist movement.[11] along with Peter Boghossian another eager and able anti-Wokers. While these & others like them are currently great allies in the Anti-woke movement, they seem to be unlikely happy , cooperative long term bedfellows with Christians. I'm having trouble seeing how that works in the long run and wonder if they will turn on the Christian anti-woke group as some point. I pray they will not become Nebachenzars & give Christians a "choice" between bowing down or going to the fiery furnace of public scorn & cancellation at a later time.
It seems to me that the idea of separation of church and state ultimately led to the secular Marxist government we currently are suffering under. It was heavily promoted in the 19th century by Protestants who were very worried about the influx of Catholics from other countries into the United States and that it would result in the Catholic Church becoming too influential in politics. They derided Catholics as "papists" and as a result of their anti-Catholic zeal ended up eliminating all Christian influence in government by trying to eliminate all prayer in legislative sessions, removing the Bible from government schools and of course denying any public money to Catholic schools but trying to preserve it for the Protestant schools which ultimately failed. The removal of God from politics has resulted in an atheistic, demonic, anti-God form of government which has now resulted in the acceptance of all manner of sin and perversion and to the persecution of Christians and to the FBI labeling traditional Catholics as terrorists per their own memos. There should NOT be a separation of church and state. NO, God's commands should always be an influence on the laws and the way those laws are applied to the governed. You can call them "natural laws" if you don't like the idea of naming God, but ultimately they are from God who is their origin.