Elizabeth: I'm amazed that you managed to get this published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons as I have gotten the impression that most of the medical community had been absorbed into Woke Borg (via Rufo & others). What sort of response did you get from readers in that journal?
Thanks for the brief summary of Lindsay's book. Lindsay is true leader in the anti-Woke fight. But I'm concerned that he is also a leader in the New Atheist movement.[11] along with Peter Boghossian another eager and able anti-Wokers. While these & others like them are currently great allies in the Anti-woke movement, they seem to be unlikely happy , cooperative long term bedfellows with Christians. I'm having trouble seeing how that works in the long run and wonder if they will turn on the Christian anti-woke group as some point. I pray they will not become Nebachenzars & give Christians a "choice" between bowing down or going to the fiery furnace of public scorn & cancellation at a later time.
Unlike most of the medical profession, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has long provided a voice for private physicians in combating the government takeover of medicine. AAPS hosted the "Marxism in Medicine" webinar, which I facilitated, that featured speakers from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation; you can view the recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLI_lpWVOUs. The webinar was well attended and received a lot of supportive comments from members who attended from both AAPS and Do No Harm. The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is published by AAPS.
Regarding your 2nd paragraph, I suggest reading the newly released book "March to the Majority," by Newt Gingrich. He points out that Democrats have formed an alliance with the far-left woke. To increase the likelihood of conservatives winning a majority in all branches of government in 2024, he recommends building the broadest coalition possible. That would need to include everyone who supports the U.S. constitution and U.S. democracy including voters who are Christians, agnostics, atheists, Buddhists, Falon Gong practitioners, Hindu, Jewish, etc., etc. The coalition will also need to include Republicans, Democrats, independents and swing voters if we are to beat the Marxists. This country was founded on the principles of liberal democracy and we can unite in a coalition built on those principles to wrest control from the Marxists and restore American democracy.
As an aside, keep in mind that some Christians--like many other Americans--have been duped by the Marxists, who use pleasant-sounding words like "peace" or "social justice" to lull people into becoming useful idiots for the Marxists who are trying to destroy America. For more information, I suggest reading "The Devil and Karl Marx" by Paul Kengor, PhD, or "Dupes" by the same author.
It seems to me that the idea of separation of church and state ultimately led to the secular Marxist government we currently are suffering under. It was heavily promoted in the 19th century by Protestants who were very worried about the influx of Catholics from other countries into the United States and that it would result in the Catholic Church becoming too influential in politics. They derided Catholics as "papists" and as a result of their anti-Catholic zeal ended up eliminating all Christian influence in government by trying to eliminate all prayer in legislative sessions, removing the Bible from government schools and of course denying any public money to Catholic schools but trying to preserve it for the Protestant schools which ultimately failed. The removal of God from politics has resulted in an atheistic, demonic, anti-God form of government which has now resulted in the acceptance of all manner of sin and perversion and to the persecution of Christians and to the FBI labeling traditional Catholics as terrorists per their own memos. There should NOT be a separation of church and state. NO, God's commands should always be an influence on the laws and the way those laws are applied to the governed. You can call them "natural laws" if you don't like the idea of naming God, but ultimately they are from God who is their origin.
I agree that the natural rights and laws named in the U.S. founding documents were identified and understood by the founders to come from God. As such, it makes sense to preserve our American history in our Pledge of Allegiance and other political traditions. I suggest reading "The Devil and Karl Marx" by Paul Kengor, PhD, if you haven't already done so. Kengor documents that the destruction of all religions of all kinds is a key feature of Marxism. Looking back on it now, perhaps the complete separation of church and state in the U.S. was an early symptom of Marxist anti-religious ideology.
It seems that "racism", as it is imagined by Leftists is what Leftists call a "conspiracy theory". A theory about a collusion that does not really exist.
The only part of the essay that I take issue with is:
"The civil rights movement grew out of the ideas of democracy that include equality, liberty, universal human rights, the right to private property, capitalism, limited government, separation of the church and state, freedom of religion and freedom of speech."
My rule is: Question Everything, that the Leftist media-academia ever told you. The civil rights movement of the 1960s was definitely NOT what the media-academia report it to have been.
I agree that "racism" is a fake narrative created by Marxists to gain power. It's a good idea to question everything from the captured media, government and institutions. The information about the civil rights movement came from James Lindsay's book; his point is that the civil rights movement has been subverted by critical race theory to further Marxist aims.
"his point is that the civil rights movement has been subverted by critical race theory to further Marxist aims"
Yes, I have Lindsay's book in CRT but have not read it all -- I don't agree with him on everything. My point (and I was a young adult in the 1960s and observed the civil rights movement when it happened) is that it was mostly intended by Communists and other Leftists to further Marxist aims from day one. As with so much, its true history has been hidden and distorted by the Leftists who create a narrative of untruths.
You make some interesting points. The 1960s was the time the Weather Underground and other radical war protestors and communists instigated a revolution. The civil rights movement was going on at the same time so that was mixed in with it to create a tapestry of untruths. President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1968; since he was a socialist, one can only imagine what false narratives his administration and the media created. Much of the history we've been taught could very likely be wrong.
Elizabeth: I'm amazed that you managed to get this published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons as I have gotten the impression that most of the medical community had been absorbed into Woke Borg (via Rufo & others). What sort of response did you get from readers in that journal?
Thanks for the brief summary of Lindsay's book. Lindsay is true leader in the anti-Woke fight. But I'm concerned that he is also a leader in the New Atheist movement.[11] along with Peter Boghossian another eager and able anti-Wokers. While these & others like them are currently great allies in the Anti-woke movement, they seem to be unlikely happy , cooperative long term bedfellows with Christians. I'm having trouble seeing how that works in the long run and wonder if they will turn on the Christian anti-woke group as some point. I pray they will not become Nebachenzars & give Christians a "choice" between bowing down or going to the fiery furnace of public scorn & cancellation at a later time.
Unlike most of the medical profession, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has long provided a voice for private physicians in combating the government takeover of medicine. AAPS hosted the "Marxism in Medicine" webinar, which I facilitated, that featured speakers from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation; you can view the recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLI_lpWVOUs. The webinar was well attended and received a lot of supportive comments from members who attended from both AAPS and Do No Harm. The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is published by AAPS.
Regarding your 2nd paragraph, I suggest reading the newly released book "March to the Majority," by Newt Gingrich. He points out that Democrats have formed an alliance with the far-left woke. To increase the likelihood of conservatives winning a majority in all branches of government in 2024, he recommends building the broadest coalition possible. That would need to include everyone who supports the U.S. constitution and U.S. democracy including voters who are Christians, agnostics, atheists, Buddhists, Falon Gong practitioners, Hindu, Jewish, etc., etc. The coalition will also need to include Republicans, Democrats, independents and swing voters if we are to beat the Marxists. This country was founded on the principles of liberal democracy and we can unite in a coalition built on those principles to wrest control from the Marxists and restore American democracy.
As an aside, keep in mind that some Christians--like many other Americans--have been duped by the Marxists, who use pleasant-sounding words like "peace" or "social justice" to lull people into becoming useful idiots for the Marxists who are trying to destroy America. For more information, I suggest reading "The Devil and Karl Marx" by Paul Kengor, PhD, or "Dupes" by the same author.
It seems to me that the idea of separation of church and state ultimately led to the secular Marxist government we currently are suffering under. It was heavily promoted in the 19th century by Protestants who were very worried about the influx of Catholics from other countries into the United States and that it would result in the Catholic Church becoming too influential in politics. They derided Catholics as "papists" and as a result of their anti-Catholic zeal ended up eliminating all Christian influence in government by trying to eliminate all prayer in legislative sessions, removing the Bible from government schools and of course denying any public money to Catholic schools but trying to preserve it for the Protestant schools which ultimately failed. The removal of God from politics has resulted in an atheistic, demonic, anti-God form of government which has now resulted in the acceptance of all manner of sin and perversion and to the persecution of Christians and to the FBI labeling traditional Catholics as terrorists per their own memos. There should NOT be a separation of church and state. NO, God's commands should always be an influence on the laws and the way those laws are applied to the governed. You can call them "natural laws" if you don't like the idea of naming God, but ultimately they are from God who is their origin.
I agree that the natural rights and laws named in the U.S. founding documents were identified and understood by the founders to come from God. As such, it makes sense to preserve our American history in our Pledge of Allegiance and other political traditions. I suggest reading "The Devil and Karl Marx" by Paul Kengor, PhD, if you haven't already done so. Kengor documents that the destruction of all religions of all kinds is a key feature of Marxism. Looking back on it now, perhaps the complete separation of church and state in the U.S. was an early symptom of Marxist anti-religious ideology.
It seems that "racism", as it is imagined by Leftists is what Leftists call a "conspiracy theory". A theory about a collusion that does not really exist.
The only part of the essay that I take issue with is:
"The civil rights movement grew out of the ideas of democracy that include equality, liberty, universal human rights, the right to private property, capitalism, limited government, separation of the church and state, freedom of religion and freedom of speech."
My rule is: Question Everything, that the Leftist media-academia ever told you. The civil rights movement of the 1960s was definitely NOT what the media-academia report it to have been.
I agree that "racism" is a fake narrative created by Marxists to gain power. It's a good idea to question everything from the captured media, government and institutions. The information about the civil rights movement came from James Lindsay's book; his point is that the civil rights movement has been subverted by critical race theory to further Marxist aims.
"his point is that the civil rights movement has been subverted by critical race theory to further Marxist aims"
Yes, I have Lindsay's book in CRT but have not read it all -- I don't agree with him on everything. My point (and I was a young adult in the 1960s and observed the civil rights movement when it happened) is that it was mostly intended by Communists and other Leftists to further Marxist aims from day one. As with so much, its true history has been hidden and distorted by the Leftists who create a narrative of untruths.
You make some interesting points. The 1960s was the time the Weather Underground and other radical war protestors and communists instigated a revolution. The civil rights movement was going on at the same time so that was mixed in with it to create a tapestry of untruths. President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1968; since he was a socialist, one can only imagine what false narratives his administration and the media created. Much of the history we've been taught could very likely be wrong.