Feb 17Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

In Gingrich's recent book "March to the Majority", he explicitly states how important it is for Republicans to focus on issues that have 70%+ support among the American people, given the attrition that will be suffered when put through the hostile media mill. The info in this article highlights some of these issues. Hic Rhodus, hic salta!

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Feb 17Liked by Elizabeth Smoots

I agree with many of the issues on the provided list. However I vehemently disagree with the idea that we as a nation should support abortion. This support for abortion is completely contradictory to the words of Jesus Christ when he affirms the two greatest commandments " Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength AND love your neighbor as yourself." Who is our neighbor if not the most innocent and defenseless among us, the pre-born? We are called to place our own passions and desires aside for the good of the other, the good being their right to live well so that some day they may become citizens of Heaven. However if the country has almost completely rejected God because we believe ourselves to be our own God you get rationalizations like "the right to choose".

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